Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday, a.k.a. Day 3

On day 3 we took on our biggest project - we had to create a video game.
We had our idea already and it was to be a pig trying to eat oranges while being chased by aligators - Pacman style.
That didn't work out.
But we got our game close to what we intended. Aligators had to be compromised to evil flying hippos. Instead of Pacman we got something more like Snake. The pig was now wndering in space snatching oranges and getting bigger as it ate them. And when it touched the aligator it got small again and you had to go back to the start position. The game is called Spacepig.  It was a great game in the end, no matter what eveyone had to say about it.
William and Sean did the programming.
Ieva and Carrie did the sprites, the backgrounds and the soundtrack. We even got a victory fanfare.
And after lunch we had a go at seeing and playing everyone else's games. We were the only team that actually had time to make our game extra awesome and add an intro page. Because we were that good we had time to do level two as well. Which ended up being impossible to pass.

After that we moved on to our next project which involved a Wii remote and soldering. We made an infrared LED pen which can be used to make an interective whiteboard or monitor with the help of a Wii remote. We made the pen by soldering the wires in a circuit and had it working after we chaged the LED. We finished early and got to go home ahed of everyone else :D .

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